Sunday, April 19, 2009

Web Design2

-this site is using the images as the main selling point.As what can observe, there are alot of natural images being used to let the vsitors enjoy the feeling as they are in the certain places.

-color mode was consistant for all the pages to maintain the natural feeling which is "green".

-This site is also playing a simplicity method as the site navigation straight away using their product to interact with visitors. It will make the product more memorable by using product as nagivation.

-this is is using a simplicity method to let visitors easy to interact with simple navigation , images.

-For the color part, the color used were all soft color to make visitors feel fresh and clean.
this site would be easier for visitors to recognize their product as it was having the color mode where is same with the product itself.

-Every pages bring the warm and hormony feeling with the joyful images which the site wanted visitors to feel the happiness as the product would bring.

-alot of images is being used in all the pages in order not to make visitors feel bored.

-This site is perfectly bringing the elegant feeling with the color mode as the product of this site going to show.

-For the color too, red is always the fortune representative it is suitable for the jewelry

-The layout was all seperated with a tidy grid system and make the overall site look neat and easy to browse through.

-Overall,the site is consistant with the color mode and typefaces.

[screenshots of client's website]

[HTML/CSS/Javascript code library tutorials]

[design tutorials]